Emili­ana Torrini, “Heartstopper”

b0002jep6o02_scmzzzzzzz_.jpgOutside your house
To make a scene
In my head you grabbed me passionately
But the lights are out
And in an hour I walk on home
In the pouring shower



A couple of years ago, Lucy told me about Last.fm. Like most interesting things, I went to have a look, but never really made my way to being a full user. The idea intrigued me, but I had a pretty steady supply of new music from “other sources.” Things have changed, however, and I’ve been revisiting the site. Most of the time, when I’m feeling like my life has gotten into a bit of a rut, a great new album will pull me out. Or, indeed, a great old album. These tend to be seasonal, but they almost always do the trick. And that’s where I’m at with “Fisherman’s Woman” by Emilíana Torrini.

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