St. Patrick’s Day Mix – 2009

st_patricks_day_chicago2Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Everyone!

Yes, I know it’s two days early.  But I have to get you while you’re still sober, right?  Or at the very least, while you’re not observing this most somber of holidays in Church, or gathered together with loved ones in prayer and strict observation of St. Patrick’s teachings. { A note, as I know there has been some confusion: Whiskey is never an appropriate substitute for communion wine. Ever.} Undoubtedly, as with all ethnic and religious events, the day will bring you a number of difficult thoughts and questions.  Some of these might be: “What possesses a man to drink that much green beer…or, any green beer for that matter?”, or “Why won’t Sully just leave me alone?”, or “When did everyone in the world suddenly become Irish? I know for a fact that that guy’s from New Jersey…” Or perhaps you’re just wondering who this Erin girl is and just what precisely it is that she is meant to go and do…

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